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Expectations high as China-U.S. climate cooperation talks begin
Climate: Analyst sees much potential for collaborationExperts have expressed high expectations for climate-themed technological cooperation between China and the United States, saying this will greatl ...
2023-7-17 21:01
China unveils regulation on consular protection to make relevant work more law-b ...
Chinese Premier Li Qiang has signed an order of the State Council unveiling a regulation on consular protection and assistance in China, which will come into effect on September 1, making the relevant ...
2023-7-17 00:01
Wang Yi: China, EU should strengthen communication, deepen cooperation
China and the European Union (EU) should strengthen communication, enhance trust and deepen cooperation which serves the common interests of both sides, senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi has said.Wang, ...
2023-7-16 21:01
Foreign trade resilience seen
China's foreign trade is expected to withstand the challenges posed by a complex global environment and demonstrate hard-won resilience to bolster the country's economic growth in the second half of t ...
2023-7-16 00:01
PLA planes follow U.S. warplane in Strait
The People's Liberation Army followed and monitored a United States warplane that flew through the Taiwan Strait on Thursday, a military spokesman said in a statement.Senior Colonel Shi Yi, spokesman ...
2023-7-15 00:01
Ministry criticizes upcoming trade restrictions from Japan
China has called on Japan to follow international trade rules and refrain from political interference to safeguard independent business operation and fair competition, the Ministry of Commerce said on ...
2023-7-14 21:01
Beijing eyes stability of region in Jakarta talks
Talks: Beijing-Moscow support affirmedSecuring stability in the East Asia region and ruling out disturbance from some countries outside the region were high on the agenda of a slew of bilateral and mu ...
2023-7-14 05:31
Wang, Blinken meet; more high-level talks to be held
China and the U.S. have been having increasingly frequent talks between senior officials recently and are expected to have more exchanges in various fields, such as diplomacy, finance, trade, climate ...
2023-7-14 00:01
Beijing preps for full operation of new metro line
A subway train prepares for a test run in the Xiejiacun metro depot, Changping district, Beijing, July 12, 2023. (Photo by Yu Xiaoming/chinadaily.com.cn)The northern section of the Beijing Metro Line ...
2023-7-13 21:01
China makes significant progress in low carbon efforts
(ECNS) -- Wednesday marks the 11th National Low-carbon Day in China, with the theme of Taking Active Measures against Climate Change and Promoting Green and Low Carbon Development.In recent years, Chi ...
2023-7-13 10:36
AMEC wins IPR case vs U.S. firm in Shanghai
Advanced Micro-Fabrication Equipment Inc China displays its products at an expo in Shanghai. CHINA DAILYChinese maker of chip equipment tools vows to protect its tech, innovationsAdvanced Micro-Fabric ...
2023-7-13 05:31
U.S. urged to show respect in climate talks
Climate cooperation between China and the United States should feature mutual appreciation and acknowledgment, experts said.Their remarks came ahead of the four-day China visit by John Kerry, U.S. spe ...
2023-7-13 00:01
Key growth role seen for platform firms
Platform: Sector called key enabler of recoveryPremier Li Qiang encouraged platform companies on Wednesday to maintain firm confidence, keep innovating and improve their international competitiveness, ...
2023-7-12 21:01
Li: China-ADB ties to promote stability
Premier Li Qiang (right) meets with Masatsugu Asakawa, president of the Asian Development Bank, in Beijing on Tuesday. Asakawa arrived on Sunday on his first visit to China since he took office as the ...
2023-7-12 00:00
Asteroid named after Chinese archaeologist
Fan Jinshi (File photo/chinadaily.com.cn) ...
2023-7-11 21:00

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