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Helicopters rescue 39 trapped residents in flood-hit Zhuozhou

2023-8-5 10:30| 发布者: leedell| 查看: 108| 评论: 0|原作者: Zhang Dongfang|来自: Ecns.cn

摘要: The Ram Rescue Team transfers trapped residents in the Shuishang Renjia community in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, Aug. 2, 2023. (Photo/China News Service) ...
The Ram Rescue Team transfers trapped residents in the Shuishang Renjia community in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, Aug. 2, 2023. (Photo/China News Service)

The Ram Rescue Team transfers trapped residents in the Shuishang Renjia community in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province, Aug. 2, 2023. (Photo/China News Service)

(ECNS) -- Helicopters have rescued 39 trapped residents in Zhuozhou, a flood-hit city in north China’s Hebei, by Wednesday.

Affected by Typhoon Doksuri, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other regions continued to suffer from heavy rainfall. The community Shuishang Renjia, near the North Juma River, was trapped in floods due to the collapse of its underground garage. A video recording the floods drew attention on the internet on Tuesday.

Floodwater poured into the community, which was caused by the collapse of the underground garage, and it was not easy for assault boats to reach trapped people, said He Jun, commander of the Ram Rescue Team.

“It is the most efficient to use aircraft to carry out rescue operations,” said He.

According to him, H155 used in the rescue missions is a large helicopter, which can lift the trapped people out of the flooded area.

“A total of 13 trapped residents, including many children and a 4-month-old baby, were transported from the community in two missions on Wednesday afternoon,” he said.

Ms. Wen, the mother of the baby, said that she and her child had been trapped for 2 days. She extended her gratitude to the rescue team and said that her baby is in good health condition at present.

The 13-year-old girl Huang Yanqi and her younger brother and sister were also saved by the rescue team. “Mom and dad were blocked outside the community because of the floods.The signal at home was affected, so we can't get through. Now we are waiting for them to pick us up,” she said.

More than 150 private rescue teams including the Blue Sky Rescue Team and Ram Rescue Team have arrived in the city since the floods began.

“From 8: 00 a.m. to 5: 00 p.m. on Wednesday, rescue helicopters have carried out six missions, transferring 39 trapped residents in both urban and rural areas to safe places,” said He, adding that the rescue would continue.



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