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5930 金币
发表于 2012-9-11 11:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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; @0 q* W/ V: D' g/ a“我们将利用法律全力打击那些利用作假手段获取公民身份的人”移民部长Jason Kenney说,“加拿大国籍是非卖品。我们正在采取行动剥夺那些不遵守规则、在移民申请上说谎或作假的人的公民身份和永久居民身份。”
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加拿大移民局已经开始撤销多达3100名通过作假手段成为公民的人的公民身份。移民部长肯尼在去年首次宣布此项调查,并由加拿大移民局与加拿大边境服务局(CBSA)、加拿大皇家骑警、加拿大皇家骑警国外办事处共同合作来解决移民欺诈问题。. f# ~5 ~  U+ R1 r2 W0 _$ n
: z* u' o( D5 y# m# I7 M7 M
“今天宣布的这项调查结果是皇家骑警队和加拿大边境服务局共同努力的结果,我们应该感谢他们的努力,”加拿大公共安全部长涂司维说,“这些努力体现并加强政府保护移民体系完整性的承诺。”8 D* {9 _" ?; G) ]3 [( B

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/ L8 F: x8 J: i2 G4 e" n获得永久居民身份必须4年时间里在加拿大住满3年;而要保留他们的永久居民身份,则必须5年里在加拿大住满2年,鲜有例外。6 p1 e; L6 z4 X9 ^* o3 [: X

" \* d/ K& L7 O2 j7 Y- \0 T2 ^典型的移民造假案例是永久居民在无耻的移民代表的帮助下建立他们在加拿大国内居住的假证据,其实他们大多居住在国外。这是一种犯罪,因为只有这样造假,人们才能维持他们的永居身份或在之后申请入籍。加拿大皇家骑警和边境服务局的刑事调查发现,一个5口之家支付一家服务机构25000加元(1加元约等于1美元),以制造在加拿大居住超过4年以上的假象。/ W" T  V. m6 Z

: D2 B% L' C$ g0 u* |# p$ e0 i最后,加拿大移民局还因各种原因标记了另外2500个人的申请文件。如果这些人将来提出移民申请的话将被密切关注。这使得总共有将近11000个人与公民入籍和申请永居造假有关。
/ X$ J) Q3 z+ D1 k至目前为止,由于不符合在加拿大居住时间的要求,移民部已拒绝了600份永久居民和500份入籍申请。另有近1800申请人在调查展开后主动放弃了他们的入籍申请。7 T$ S" P* h7 A2 _) \" q& H
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6 ^% I$ D( ?1 g3 \( o, y  M9 a! U* Y
涉嫌递交虚假材料、作假等问题的,应该举报给移民作假热线1-888-242-2100(仅在加拿大,早8:00到下午4:00,周一至周五),也可以通过电子邮件在Citizenship-fraud-tips@cic.gc.ca报道。 海外的可以联系就近的加拿大签证办公室。
) }2 z6 Y+ r  A& _
) b* W- l! B/ k; _7 j" f1 j8 [) J所有其他类型的移民欺诈可以举报给CBSA的边境监察热线1-888-502-9060。边境审查热线接受的举报包括但不限于:可疑的跨境活动,商婚,在任何临时或永久移民申请时提供虚假材料,或任何一个遭移民通缉的人的下落。
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英文原文:. i( N' J0 Q% p* K
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  News Release — Canadian citizenship not for sale: Minister Kenney provides update on residence fraud investigations
6 h& v  a) ^: ]- X5 Q/ M& m     # p, H& H% p1 q$ y1 b& s2 x$ }
    Ottawa, September 10, 2012 — The Government of Canada’s investigation into residence fraud continues to grow, with nearly 11,000 individuals potentially implicated in lying to apply for citizenship or maintain permanent resident status. 6 x) F8 B7 A, v& B2 N+ Y5 ~, d+ Y
     3 M  ^- T, e$ d. e- K% W3 m
    “We are applying the full strength of Canadian law to those who have obtained citizenship fraudulently,” said Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism Minister Jason Kenney. “Canadian citizenship is not for sale. We are taking action to strip citizenship and permanent residence status from people who don’t play by the rules and who lie or cheat to become a Canadian citizen.” 4 c9 L$ Y/ Q7 _+ Y, j$ z. G
+ e6 `  f3 Z0 g/ Q7 m5 I. w    Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has begun the process to revoke the citizenship of up to 3,100 citizens who obtained it fraudulently. Minister Kenney first announced the investigations last year. CIC is working closely with the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and Canadian offices abroad to tackle this fraud. / {, C9 @+ y$ n% e) k7 [
9 W# O  E  a7 ~; w7 Q+ @  G2 q    “Today’s announcement is the end-result of the hard work done by the RCMP and CBSA, and they should be congratulated for their dedicated effort in bringing these charges forward,” said Canada’s Public Safety Minister Vic Toews. “These efforts reinforce our government’s commitment to protecting the integrity of our immigration system.” . Q4 @1 |# y  o5 e
     # M  _7 m* S/ \9 ~
    The Department has also been working on cases of those who are not yet citizens. Nearly 5,000 people with permanent resident status who are known to be implicated in residence fraud have been flagged for additional scrutiny should they attempt to enter Canada or obtain citizenship. The majority of these individuals are believed to be outside the country.
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  R8 V; f; N9 m/ d: v' {! K    Permanent residents must reside in Canada for three years out of four years prior to applying for Canadian citizenship. To retain their status as permanent residents, they must be physically present in Canada for two out of five years with few exceptions. : W& K! a1 q  i& h
- \$ i4 `  b  {' o7 U6 U2 l    In typical cases, permanent residents will use the services of an unscrupulous immigration representative to fraudulently establish evidence of residence in Canada while living abroad most, if not all, of the time. This is perpetrated so that individuals can fraudulently maintain their permanent residence status and later apply for citizenship. RCMP and CBSA criminal investigations have found that a family of five may pay upwards of $25,000 over four or more years to create the illusion of Canadian residence.
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    Finally, CIC has flagged the files of another 2,500 individuals where, for various reasons, there are concerns. These individuals will be watched closely should they make future applications. This makes a total of nearly 11,000 individuals tied to citizenship and residence fraud investigations.
. q6 X2 q3 Z, G     
! W" }/ v& D8 |) c8 U. j    To date, CIC and its partners have removed or denied admittance to over 600 former permanent residents linked to the investigations, and have denied about 500 citizenship applications where the applicants do not meet the residence requirements. Almost 1,800 applicants linked to the investigations have abandoned their citizenship applications as word about these investigations spreads. 0 {1 K% ~$ d& `" @
, h  Q- [# t8 S# N6 i' w& v  s; v0 ~    “We will not stand by and allow people to lie and cheat their way into becoming citizens,” added Minister Kenney. “I encourage anyone who has information regarding citizenship fraud to call our tip line to report it. There is no time limit for investigating this type of fraud.”
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    Over the past six years, Canada has had the highest sustained level of immigration in Canadian history. The Government of Canada is committed to creating an immigration system that brings the world's best and brightest to Canada while protecting our immigration system against those who would abuse our generosity.
2 Y8 F, z( ^& h* t7 @6 U4 e     / b7 h' g; c7 L1 R1 W- Y
    Cases involving false representation, fraud or knowingly concealing material circumstances in the citizenship process—for example, pretending to be present in Canada to meet the residence requirements for obtaining citizenship—should be referred to the citizenship fraud tip line at CIC’s Call Centre at 1-888-242-2100 (in Canada only, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. local time, Monday through Friday). Tips may also be reported by email at Citizenship-fraud-tips@cic.gc.ca. Those overseas can also contact the nearest Canadian visa office.
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  E1 c6 G. ~  W9 l1 M  y2 |1 ^    All other types of immigration fraud can be reported to the CBSA’s Border Watch Tip Line at 1-888-502-9060. Tips accepted by the Border Watch Tip Line include, but are not limited to, suspicious cross-border activity, marriages of convenience, misrepresentation in any temporary or permanent immigration application, or the whereabouts of any person wanted on an immigration warrant.
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