荣格 发表于 2011-10-15 18:45


Ontario Demerit Point System Call 1-888-9958-995 to Save your Points
Description of OffencePoints
Failing to remain at scene of accident7
Careless driving6
Stunt Driving - Exceeding speed limit by 50 km/h or more7
Speeding: Exceeding speed limit by 50 km/h or more6
Speeding: Exceeding speed limit by 30 to 49 km/h4
Speeding: Exceeding speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h3
Drive in prohibited lane 3
Driving through, around or under railway crossing barrier3
Failing to yield right of way3
Failing to obey a stop sign, signal light or railway crossing signal3
Failing to obey directions of police constable3
Driving or operating a vehicle on a closed highway3
Failing to report an accident3
Improper Passing3
Improper driving where highway divided into lanes3
Failing to stop for school bus6
Following too closely4
Crowding drivers seat3
Drive wrong way – divided highway3
Cross divided highway – no proper crossing provided3
Wrong way in one way street or highway3
Backing on Highway2
Seatbelt offences 2
Pedestrian crossover2
Failure to share road2
Improper right turn2
Improper left turn2
Failing to Signal2
Unnecessary slow driving2
Failing to lower headlamp beam2
Improper opening of vehicle door2
Prohibited turns2
Towing of persons on toboggans, bicycles, skis, etc prohibited2
Failing to obey signs prescribed by regulation under section 182 (1)2
Accident Traffic Ticket Facts[*]Less than 10% of all police officers in Ontario receive specific, detailed accident investigation training. [*]A conviction for a careless driving ticket can increase insurance rates thousands of dollars per year for three to six years.[*]Most officers receive only rudimentary accident investigation instruction at Police College. [*]Officers receive more training on proper completion of the accident report for Ministry of Transportation statistical purposes than actual investigative techniques. [*]Many Police Officers don’t even know how to determine the “point of impact” or properly analyze skid marks. [*]Police Officers in Ontario are not issued the Highway Traffic Act [*]Officers are only issued a “wording booklet” which gives them an abbreviated wording of the charges of the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario, the section number and the amount of fines to be entered on the certificate. [*]In 2002, only 3 officers at the Toronto Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, (one of the largest traffic units in Canada) had any “post Aylmer” accident investigation training at all. One of those was former Toronto Police Constable Chris Conway. Chris later founded OTT Legal Services. [*]Accident investigators from the Toronto Police receive accident investigation training that is second to none in North America.
It is important to have a trained person review your case to give you the best opportunity at reducing or even reversing “fault determination” for your traffic ticket. When Insurance rate increases can occur for up to six years, fighting your traffic ticket can save you thousands of dollars.

小熊笨笨 发表于 2012-6-18 22:27

本帖最后由 小熊笨笨 于 2012-6-18 22:31 编辑

回复 1# 荣格

加拿大交通违规罚分细则-----Demerit Point System

Failing to remain at the scene of a collision------私自逃离事故现场;
Failing to stop when signalled/requested by a police officer------没有服从警察的截停.

Careless Driving------胡乱开车;
Exceeding the speed limit by 50 km/h or more------超速50km/h或以上;
Failing to stop for a school bus------没停下来让校车。

Driver of a bus failing to stop at an unprotected railway crossing------公共汽车司机没有在无管制铁路路口之前停车

Exceeding the speed limit by 30 to 49 km/h------超速30-49km/h;
Following too closely------跟车距离太近。

Exceeding the speed limit by 16 to 29 km/h------超速16-29公里;
Driving through, around or under a railway crossing barrier------在铁路栏杆下面钻过或绕过栏杆横过铁路;
Failing to yield the right-of-way------没有让出路权;
Failing to obey a stop sign, traffic control stop/slow sign, traffic light or railway crossing signal------停牌不停,不遵守其他交通管制标志(交通管理停牌/慢行牌)或信号(交通灯/铁路道口信号);
Failing to obey the directions of a police officer------不服从警察的指示;
Driving the wrong way on a divided road------在分岔路口开进逆行道上;
Failing to report a collision to a police officer------发生事故不报案;
Improper driving when road is divided into lanes------驶入错误的车道;
Crowding the driver's seat------挤占驾驶员座位;
Going the wrong way on a one-way road------在单行道上逆行;
Driving or operating a vehicle on a closed road------在已关闭的道路上行驶;
Crossing a divided road where no proper crossing is provided------在不适宜穿越的条件下强行穿越岔路;
Failing to slow and carefully pass a stopped emergency vehicle------没有让或小心驶过停下的紧急车辆(执行任务的消防车、救护车、警车);
Failing to move, where possible, into another lane when passing a stopped emergency vehicle------当可以变线超越已停下的急救车的时候没有做出移动;
Improper passing------不正确的超车;
Improper use of high occupancy vehicle lane------不正确驾驶在共乘车道;

Improper opening of a vehicle door------不恰当地开车门;
Prohibited turns------在禁止转弯处转弯;
Towing people on toboggans, bicycles, skis, etc.------在拖挂的雪橇,自行车,滑板上乘坐人;
Failing to obey signs------不遵守交通标志;
Failing to stop at a pedestrian crossing------人行横道不停;
Failing to share the road------未能给其他车辆让路;
Improper right turn------不正确的右转;
Improper left turn------不正确的左转;
Failing to signal------不打信号灯;
Unnecessary slow driving------不必要的开慢车;
Reversing on a divided high-speed road------在高速岔路口上倒车;
Driver failing to wear a seat belt------司机不系安全带;
Driver failing to ensure that a passenger less than 23 kg is properly secured------司机没有确保体重在23kg以下的乘客的乘车安全;
Driver failing to ensure that a passenger under 16 years is wearing a seat belt------司机没有确保16岁以下的乘客系安全带;
Failing to lower headlamp beams------前大灯不照路面;
Backing on a highway------高速公路上倒车;
Driver failing to ensure infant/child passenger is properly secured in an appropriate child restraint system or booster seat------司机没有确保婴、幼儿的乘车安全(未能正确使用婴、幼儿座椅)。

萨哈宁42 发表于 2012-8-27 07:28

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